9:00 Fab News and Notes
11:00-12:00 Fab11 Conversations: Making Robots
The high priests of fabrication and robotics. Boston Dynamics, Kiva etc. #Fab11 conference at MIT. #MakingRobots pic.twitter.com/ECVLpv0VDo
— Rajesh Nair (@RajeshXNair) August 3, 2015
#fab11 in action! #makingrobots #awesome everything on #GitHub and #edx - 150 countries represented @medialab today pic.twitter.com/KFI1N560tv
— Caleb Harper (@calebgrowsfood) August 3, 2015
Build it, break it, fix it - Mark Reibert's approach at Boston Dynamics. #Fab11 #makingrobots @ChicagoCIE pic.twitter.com/U2ZIpZAYJ6
— Elizabeth Koprucki (@ekoprucki) August 3, 2015
#WyssInstitute #MakingRobots #Fab11 @Fab11_Boston self-assembling robots pic.twitter.com/OLEYUoBNAJ
— Fab Lab DC (@FabLabDC) August 3, 2015
Join the discussion with #Fab11 #MakingRobots